Roast chicken with demi glace

1. Fill steam cavity with 500ml water and preheat oven to 190°C combi-steam. On a roasting tray rub in your lemon, oil, garlic, thyme leaves and seasoning into your chicken. Place in preheated oven for 60 minutes on the lowest shelf.
2. Meanwhile in another roasting tray oil and season your vegetables with rosemary leaves and place in the oven above the chicken when the timer has 45 minutes left on the timer.
3. While the roast chicken and vegetables finish cooking start making your demi glace by sautéing off your celery, carrot and onion with the oil. When brown add the butter and flour and cook until the flour turns to a light brown then add tomato paste, bay leaf and stock. Bring to a boil then simmer for 10 minutes. Strain the liquid into a jug and discard the vegetables.
4. Serve your cooked roast chicken and vegetables with the demi glace goes great with a garden salad.